Friday, March 28, 2008

Rainy day...

I stayed home with Freja and Halle again today. I have allowed them a little more supervised time together, and did a "sit" training session in the kitchen with both of them. Of course, Halle already knows how to sit, but I thought it would be a good exercise for her anyway. It was also an opportunity to teach both of them "leave it" when each tried to take the other's treats.

We also worked on going up the stairs for about a half an hour. Freja will now follow me without much hesitation up the stairs. Down the stairs is a different story. She still won't come down. Well, one step at a time, right? ;) Halle assisted in the going up stairs activity and was surprisingly not grumpy towards Freja while we were going up the stairs. She even allowed Freja to puppy lick her mouth without snarling or baring her teeth, which is what she usually does when Freja tries to puppy lick her.

It's raining out today and Freja doesn't seem to like the rain much. I have taken her out several times and she quickly does her business and then looks at me as if to say, "Are we done now? Can we go back in the house?"

The picture above is from yesterday. I'm not taking my camera out in the rain ;) .

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