Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Housetraining Woes

After her initial accident in the house the first night she was here Freja had no accidents in the house until last night, but she had an accident at the same time tonight about 20 minutes after she was outside and went potty.

She just turned 14 weeks today and according to one of the puppy books I bought we can't expect her to be able to reliably let us know she has to go until she's 16 weeks old. All things considered she is doing very well despite these two accidents.

At least she didn't "go" on the Mongolian wool rug ;) .

1 comment:

Rena said...

That's great. Diamond is only 9 weeks. She did great the first 2 days. Then yesterday she had 4poop accidents, all in the familoy room. The only room she has access to with carpet. Figures!!! We have a long way to go til 16 weeks.