Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Vet Hospital

Our sweet little Freja spent the night last night at the Vet hospital. She was vomiting and had diarrhea yesterday and when we took her to the vet she was dehydrated. They are running some tests, but treating her for Parvo just in case. She also has Giardia, so they're treating that too while she is there.

Freja is vaccinated for Parvo, along with Distemper, Parainfluenza, Hepatitis (a form that affects dogs), and Leptospirosis, but apparently with young puppies vaccination isn't always 100% effective. Parvo is 80-95% survivable now, so we hope that if it is Parvo that we caught it early enough.

I spent the night mopping the tiles in the kitchen and bathroom with bleach solution and spraying down all of the family's shoes with Lysol disinfectant.

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